Monday, March 21, 2011


Mr. Moon, your out too soon!  The sun is still in the sky.  Go back to bed and rest your head until the day becomes night!  Another animated song sung in Little Folk's!  Also, just perfect for the days leading up to the full moon on March 19, 2011. 

Spring is finally here!  With a Super Full moon to light our way!  

Slushy, Mushy cold and wet, for our first day of our lawn-guy-land Spring!

This super moon made our high tides 'really' high and our low tides a long walk to the waters edge.  The constant sound of waves calls us near to hear the soothing rumblings of one of natures rhythms.

Our heart keeps a beating, all day long.  A comforting sound of that constant beat soothing us through each daily tempo.  A beating and repeating, all day long.  All day long, all day long.  I'm keep-a singing all day long.
Izabella exploring her world, as babies do..... through their mouths.  Cooing and enjoying a in the crib moment!
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it HERE?.....?...........almost!!!!!

The sun tried and tried than finally push it's way through all of the fog and the cold in order to 
shine on YOU!!!

Check out;

In this link, and by listening in Little Folk's Music classes, the art of telling the story with inflections, add dramatic pauses to create a questioning interest, you than have the development of a musical STORY. Adding physical movement you are now(connecting right and left hemisphere of the mind)
Why does music plays such an important roll in our lives?
Music has ability to touch us both emotionally and physically. Setting off neurons that evoke reaction. Thank God for MUSIC and connecting tissue. 

{Remember the above is dated.  The phone # has changed.} Enjoy!
I will be posting some of my research other interesting and relevant links on this subject. 

We will be in Mattituck and North Shore libraries April 5 and 6th. Time to Sign up!

Need more information about Little Folk's Music?

P.S.  'Bella'! Beautiful, Beautiful Bella!,my New Grandchild, Now the musical story begins.