Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Singing and SNOW!

Watch the snow come falling down, falling, falling, down. Is a wonderful song we sing in Little Folk's Music WINTER classes. Not ONLY are the concepts of UP and DOWN involved but the use of vocal (ups) with physical (downs). Scarfs are used to represent (snow) white and (rain) blue. We blow up, so that the scarfs can fall gently and softly down to the ground.

With this wonderful snow storm we are getting 1/12/2011, please remember the simple gifts of a warm house, a cup of tea, food to share, family to laugh with. Thank those people, willing to get out in the cold and ice to make our lives simpler by gathering food, clearing off cars, and generally creating paths. These things make this life journey just a bit easier.

During the snow falling song in Little Folk's Music, we NEVER forget that snow can be fun! The lessons of never take things to seriously, and always remember to PLAY is truly encouraged.

Have a playful snowball fight, enjoy the differing human reactions.

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