Monday, May 16, 2011

How do we develop a strong economy?

Politics in educating our YOUNG. ⇐⇐⇐⇐

"Equipping young children with skills to succeed is not simply a moral or social obligation."
"It's an economic imperative. Economic studies show that investments in high-quality early education produce a higher per-dollar return than K-12 schooling, college and later job training. Every dollar invested returns about 10 cents each year for the rest of the child's life."

Little Folk's Music believes that parents are the child's most influential teacher. 

"Babies are born ready to learn. Early neural connections occur at warp speed. Learning is faster, easier and more fun than it will ever be again. By age 3, certain developmental windows begin to close. By the time a child starts kindergarten, 90 percent of structural brain development is complete. The foundation for lifelong learning is largely set."

Whatever or wherever you call home, the serenity, peace and security that is there, will be how a child's learning will take root and grow.

"Early experiences profoundly impact a child's social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. Young children need consistent and supportive relationships with parents or other caregivers. They need frequent interactions with those adults. They need sensory stimulation, exposure to a language-rich environment and a feeling of safety and security."

Consistencies and routine are Little Folk's Music fundamental core!  

"85 percent of a child's core brain structure is formed by age 3, less than 4 percent of public investment on education and development have occurred by that time.   Early care and education funding is often one of the first things to be cut by governments with budget deficits. The claim is that we simply "can't afford it." That kind of thinking is not only shortsighted; it's fiscally irresponsible."

Sound imitation, rhyming, singing, and object / symbol identification foster language skills.  Moving to differing cultural music “moods” develops timing, spatial awareness and a sense of balance.

"And yet, many young children don't enjoy such experiences. They are exposed to prolonged stress. They often feel neither safe nor secure. Rather than strong neural foundations that support learning, these children end up with fragile foundations that limit development."

How does Little Folk's Music benefit your child?  
♥Exposure to new and ever changing world that allows the child's natural curiosity with families consistent reassurance and support.  
♥Promotes the interactive parent/child need for development through literacy, music and movement.   
♥Educates you on the fundamental impressionable, interactive role the parent and/or caregiver has on learning. 
♥Encourages successful learning through self-confidence, curiosity, self-expression, social behaviors and cooperation.  

"Early care and education funding is often one of the first things to be cut by governments with budget deficits. The claim is that we simply "can't afford it." That kind of thinking is not only shortsighted; it's fiscally irresponsible. Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are spent each year on special education and other remedial services to deal with the consequences of low education and unemployment. That includes food, housing and medical care subsidies, as well as criminal justice, child protection and substance abuse costs." 
 *The quotes are from Steven Rowe, commentary. I hope his article is reprinted and has the exposure that is needed to share the fundamental concepts to preserve our children's future.  (" ")-

Other sources where Little Folk's Music can be found!


Best for Babes

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