Saturday, April 30, 2011

Intuitive parenting!

Knowing you are not alone in this marvelous adventure called; 

Little Folk's Music believes that parents are the child's most influential teacher. Aunts, Uncles, Grandma and Grandpa all play an enormous contributing role along with daily caregivers.  One of the components of Little Folk's Music philosophy is the importance of family and/or daycare involvement.Whatever or wherever you call home, the serenity, peace and security that is there, will be how a child's learning will take root and grow.

Consistencies and routine are Little Folk's Music fundamental core!  Sound imitation, rhyming, singing, and object / symbol identification foster language skills.  Moving to differing cultural music “moods” develops timing, spatial awareness and a sense of balance.  Add Daddy's low, loud notes make the 'normal' mundane day silly and fun. Silly DADDY!
Little Folk's Music encourages the child to engage in their own musical world while building confidence, self-control and communicative skills.

How does this benefit your child?  

♥Exposure to new and ever changing world that allows the child's natural curiosity with families consistent reassurance and support.  
♥Promotes the interactive parent/child need for development through literacy, music and movement.   
♥Educates you on the fundamental impressionable, interactive role the parent and/or caregiver has on learning. 
♥Encourages successful learning through self-confidence, curiosity, self-expression, social behaviors and cooperation.  

How do I encourage my Library to have weekly Little Folk's Music class?

Call your Children's librarian! Tell them of Little Folk's Music weekly classes.
♥ Ask them how do we get Little Folk's Music program at our library? 
♥ Call Lynda Folk the originator of the Little Folk's Music weekly classes at 631-830-5058. 
♥ Remember; 'Squeaky wheels tend to get oiled'

                Beautiful Grand-baby 'Bella'  having so much fun  with Mommy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Little Folk's Music At North Shore Public Library!

On Tuesday, April 5th  Little Folk's Music met the most wonderful new Mothers and one Dad with their very young babies.  Birth to 18 months was our class, but This  time it was a very special class.  The oldest young student was 11 months old.  Our youngest was 3months.  Little John's eyes just lit up as Mommy lift him up and down, around and around as we sang Baby goes round, Baby goes up and than they come down. around and around (went Colby) and around.   It was a polling day at North Shore Library so there were many faces walking by and looking in.  Some even came in spent sometime and off to the Children's Library.  All during a wonderful, delightful time of sharing music with these wonderful young families. Thank you Lori for inviting me.